Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)
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Examination of the risks for data subjects and concrete proposals for suitable remedial measures by experienced lawyers.
Compliance builds sustainable trust

Does your company need to carry out a DPIA?
According to Art. 35 of the GDPR, a DPIA must always be carried out if the processing of personal data is likely to pose a high risk to data subjects.
This is the case, for example, when publicly accessible areas are (video) monitored or extensive processing of sensitive personal data takes place (e.g. clinical studies, biometric systems for access control or telemedicine solutions).
A DPIA is also often necessary for innovative use of new technologies, such as artificial intelligence. Even when using common tools such as Microsoft 365, a DPIA may be legally obligatory, for example if Activity Reports or Workplace Analytics are activated.
Implementation of a DPIA by lawyers
In a DPIA, the planned processing operations are legally reviewed for necessity and proportionality, the risks are systematically recorded and assessed, and remedial measures are identified to reduce the risks as much as possible.
Conducting a data protection impact assessment therefore requires in-depth legal knowledge as well as a good understanding of technologies used. Our experienced data protection consultants will be happy to help you carry out a GDPR-compliant DPIA as part of a digital or on-site workshop.

Four good reasons for choosing as your partner
Data protection experts
Extensive industry knowledge
Practical feasibility
Real enablers
Non-binding request
In order for us to provide you with the best possible support for your DPIA, please provide us with some information in advance.
One of our employees will get back to you within two working days with a proposed appointment for an initial phone call!
Our experts are all legal professionals and as such where they are not mandated by statute to maintain confidentiality they are bound by be the ethics of their profession and will naturally treat all correspondence and information confidentially.