
GDPR Comparison

Compare the data protection laws of any Member State (MS) of the European Union (EU) or the United Kingdom (UK) with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), other Member States, or the UK. Compile your personal data protection comparison in just a few clicks, completely free of charge!

Compare the GDPR and MS data protection laws

Find the data protection laws of these EU Member States in our comparison

Click on a country of your choice to see its derogations from the GDPR.

About the European comparison of data protection laws

The GDPR aims to streamline data protection laws in the EU. However, the GDPR does allow MS to enact specific laws that deviate from the GDPR in several areas. European countries used this opportunity to different extents while adapting their data protection laws to the GDPR.

This creates a challenging situation for businesses with international data transfers, i.e. almost every company. You must comply with the GDPR as well as the data protection laws of all MS in which you gather, process or store personal data. Therefore, precise knowledge of the regulations applicable in every case is becoming increasingly important.

Our free international data protection-comparison tool is the solution for that challenge. You can compare the obligations of the GDPR with deviating regulations of data protection laws in every EU Member State.

Our experts have extracted the most important data protection topics from the legislation. You can easily compile the relevant topics for your company and create an individual report with the latest data protection obligations. This will simplify strategic decisions for your company.

All information is based on the legal texts of the respective country, taking into account the latest update to the best of our knowledge. shall not be held liable for the content or the completeness of this information. If you come across any errors or texts that need to be updated, please let us know.

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