
Specific data protection law and official guidelines in Denmark

General Laws:

The new Data Protection Act (DPA) ((Databeskyttelsesloven) was passed on 17 May 2018 and entered into force on 25 May 2018.

The Danish Data Protection Act contains a number of national derogations, including for journalism, prevention of crime, parliamentary work and legal proceedings. The Act does not apply to Greenland and the Faroe Islands.

Sectoral Laws:

  • Closed circuit television (CCTV) law includes rules on processing of personal data relating to TV monitoring. The new rules entered into force on 25 May 2018 (Tv-overvågningsloven).
  • Act on the Use of Health Information in the Labour Market (Heldbredslov)
  • Act on Prohibition against Discrimination in the Labour Market (Forskelsbehandlingsloven)
  • Financial Businesses Act (Lov om finansiel virksomhed), regulating, among others, the disclosure of customer data in financial businesses. Unofficial English translation:
  • Health Act (Sundhedsloven) regulating, among others, processing and disclosing patient data for purposes of treatment etc. in the health sector
  • Marketing Practices Act (Markedsføringsloven)

Unofficial English translation: implementing Article 13 of the Privacy and Electronic Communications Directive on unsolicited direct marketing

  • Act on Electronic Communications Networks and Services (Bekendtgørelse af lov om elektroniske kommunikationsnet og –tjenester)

Unofficial English translation: implementing provisions of the Privacy and Electronic Communications Directive on unsolicited direct marketing

  • Cookie Order (Bekendtgørelse om krav til information og samtykke fra brugeren ved lagring af eller adgang til allerede lagrede oplysninger i slutbrugers terminaludstyr (Cookiebekendtgørelsen))
  • Executive Order on Telecommunications (Bekendtgørelse om udbud af elektroniske kommunikationsnet og –tjenester (Udbudsbekendtgørelsen)) regulating the use and disclosure of traffic data and location data for suppliers of telecommunication nets and services

Official Guidelines

Guidelines and templates of the Danish Data Protection Agency (Datatilsynet) are available on the official website (in Danish):

Guidance from the Danish Business Agency on the Cookie Order can be found here: (in English).

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