
Definitions in Slovenian data protection law

Most of the definitions of Art. 6 ZVOP-1 ceased to apply after the GDPR started being applicable. However, the following definitions still apply:

  • same connecting codes, which are defined as the personal identification number and other uniform identification numbers defined by a statute relating to an individual that can be used to obtain or retrieve personal data from filing systems in which the same connecting codes are also used. The use of connecting codes for the acquisition of personal data from certain (mostly national) filing systems is governed by Art. 20 ZVOP-1,
  • public sector, which encompasses state bodies, bodies of self-governing local communities, holders of public powers, public agencies, public funds, public institutes, universities, independent institutions of higher education and self-governing communities of nationalities, and
  • private sector, which means legal or natural persons performing activities in accordance with the statute regulating commercial companies or a commercial public service or craft, and persons of private law, furthermore also public commercial institutes, public companies and public commercial companies, irrespective of the share or influence held by the state, self-governing local communities and self-governing communities of nationalities.