
Specific data protection law and official guidelines in Slovakia


The text of the Slovak Data Protection Act (zákon č. 18/2018 Z. z. o ochrane osobných údajov a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov) is available in English (here) and in Slovak (here)

The Slovak national implementation of ePrivacy Directive and other related electronic communications regulation, is in the Electronic Communications Act (zákon č. 351/2011 Z. z. o elektronických komunikáciách)

Guidelines of the supervisory authority

The Slovak Office for Personal Data Protection issued a decree on how controllers should perform data protection impact assessments, including the guidelines on the risk assessment, creation of documentation, descriptions of data processing, etc. The Decree of the Office for Personal Data Protection on the Methodology of Data Protection Impact Assessments (vyhláška Úradu na ochranu osobných údajov Slovenskej republiky č. 158/2018 Z. z. o postupe pri posudzovaní vplyvu na ochranu osobný údajov)

The Slovak Office for Personal Data Protection issued guidelines on the obligations of an ecommerce website provider from a data protection law perspective (in Slovak), available here.

Any further guidelines of the Office for Personal Data Protection (in Slovak) are available on the Office’s official website.

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